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Cribrilina puncturata (Wood, 1844)
Family: CribrilinidaeGenus: Cribrilina
- syntype: B.M.(N.H.) Palaeont. Dept. B1683
- syntype: B.M.(N.H.) Palaeont. Dept. D6738
Colonies are encrusting, multiserial, sheet-like, unilamellar and very small, usually containing fewer than 50 zooids. Each autozooid has about 5 distolateral pore chambers visible at growing edges. The ancestrula has a frontal shield with 6-9 costae and lacks associated avicularia.
Autozooids are small, 0.34-0.44 mm long by 0.28-0.37 mm wide, and roughly oval in outline shape. The gymnocyst is extremely narrow. The convex frontal shield is formed by 12-17 tapering costae (including the apertural bar), linked by lateral costal fusions and united at the centre of the frontal shield. There are 3-5 intercostal pores. Lumen pores are lacking. The apertural bar is prominent but narrow and sometimes has a median mucro. The orifice is rounded rectangular, broader than long, with one median, somewhat flattened oral spine in non-ovicellate zooids but no spines in ovicellate zooids. Ovicells are small, globose and have 1-5 small windows in the ectooecium of irregular size, shape and position.
Avicularia are adventitious, paired on either side of the orifice, directed distolaterally or distally, with a short triangular rostrum, raised at its distal end, a rounded proximal end, and an uncalcified pivotal bar.