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Taxonomic name
- Ascophora (1) Apply Ascophora filter
- Bitectiporidae (1) Apply Bitectiporidae filter
- Blumenbachium (2) Apply Blumenbachium filter
- Bryozoa (7) Apply Bryozoa filter
- Cellaria (1) Apply Cellaria filter
- Cellariidae (1) Apply Cellariidae filter
- Cerioporidae (2) Apply Cerioporidae filter
- Cerioporina (2) Apply Cerioporina filter
- Cheilostomata (2) Apply Cheilostomata filter
- Cyclostomata (3) Apply Cyclostomata filter
- Fasciculina (1) Apply Fasciculina filter
- Flustrina (1) Apply Flustrina filter
- Frondiporidae (1) Apply Frondiporidae filter
- Gymnolaemata (2) Apply Gymnolaemata filter
- Meandropora (1) Apply Meandropora filter
- Pentapora (1) Apply Pentapora filter
- Stenolaemata (3) Apply Stenolaemata filter
- (-) Remove Aldeburgh Hall filter Aldeburgh Hall
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Media type
Image keywords
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Imaging technique
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Preparation technique
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