
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
J. V. F. Lamouroux1821Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des polypiers, avec leur description et celles des principales espèces figurées dans 84 planches; les 63 premiers appartenant a l'histoire naturelle des zoophytes d'Ellis et Solander
A. H. Hassall1840Catalogue of Irish Zoophytes
A. H. Hassall1842Remarks on the genus Lepralia of Dr. Johnston with descriptions of six undescribed species
R. Q. Couch1842An Essay on the Zoophytes of Cornwall
J. Morris1843A Catalogue of British Fossils
S. V. Wood1844Descriptive catalogue of the zoophytes of the Crag
A. E. Reuss1848Die fossilen Polyparien des Wiener Tertiärbeckens
Ad' ORBIGNY1851Paléontologie française. Description des Mollusques et Rayonées fossils. Terrains crétacés. Tome 5 Bryozoaires
G. Busk1854Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum, II. Cheilostomata (part)
G. Busk1859A Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag
T. Hincks1860Descriptions of new Polyzoa from Ireland
E. C. Jelly1889A synonymic catalogue of the Recent marine Bryozoa
F. Canu, Lecointre G.1933Les Bryozoaires cyclostomes des Faluns de Touraine et d'Anjou
E. Buge1951Note sur la synonymie de trois anciennes especes de Bryozoaires: Diastopora latomarginata d'Orbigny 1852, Eschara andegavensis Michelin 1847 et Obelia disticha Michelin 1847
R. Lagaaij1952The Pliocene Bryozoa of the Low Countries and their bearing on the marine stratigraphy of the North Sea region
E. Buge1957Les Bryozoaires du Néogène de l'Ouest de la France et leur signification stratigraphique et paléobiologique
J. S. Ryland1963Systematic and biologic studies on Polyzoa (Bryozoa) from western Norway
J. S. Ryland1963The species of Haplopoma (Polyzoa)
R. Lagaaij1963Cupuladria canariensis (Busk) - portrait of a bryozoan
P. G. Caretto1966Nuova classificazione di alcuni Briozoi Pliocenici, precedentemente determinati quail Idrozoi del genera Hydractinia Van Beneden
R. W. Hey1967The Westleton Beds Reconsidered
A. H. Cheetham1968Morphology and systematics of the bryozoan genus Metrarabdotos
N. Mongereau1972Le genre Hornera Lamouroux, 1821, en Europe (Bryozoa - Cyclostomata)
P. E. Long1974Norwich Crag at Covehithe, Suffolk
H. A. Kluge1975Bryozoa of the northern seas of the USSR
P. J. Hayward1978Systematic and morphological studies on some European species of Turbicellepora (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata)
P. J. Hayward, Ryland J. S.1979British Ascophoran Bryozoans
G. C. Cadée1979The Cupuladria canariensis complex
P. D. Taylor, Cook P. L.1981Hippoporidra edax (Busk, 1859) and a revision of some fossil and living Hippoporidra (Bryozoa)
G. C. Cadée1982Notes on Bryozoa 2. Membraniporella gigas n.sp., and some other additions to the British Coralline Crag bryozoan fauna
P. S. Balson, Taylor P. D.1982Palaeobiology and systematics of large cyclostome bryozoans from the Pliocene Coralline Crag of Suffolk
C. R. Bristow1983The stratigraphy and structure of the Crag of mid-Suffolk, England
W. Baluk, Radwanski A.1984Middle Miocene (Badenian) free-living bryozoans from the Vienna Basin
P. J. Hayward, Ryland J. S.1985Cyclostome Bryozoans
J. A. Zalasiewicz, Mathers S. J.1985Lithostratigraphy of the Red and Norwich Crags of the Aldeburgh-Orford Area, south-east SUffolk
J. D. D. Bishop1987Type and figured material from the 'Pliocene Bryozoa of the Low Countries' (Lagaaij, 1952) in the collection of the the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
J. D. D. Bishop, Househam B. C.1987Puellina (Bryozoa; Cheilostomatida; Cribrilinidae) from British and adjacent waters
J. D. D. Bishop1988Disarticulated bivalve shells as substrates for encrustation by the bryozoan Cribrilina puncturata in the Plio-Pleistocene Red Crag of Eastern England
J. A. Zalasiewicz, Mathers, S. J., Hughes, M. J., Gibbard, P. L., Peglar, S. M., Harland, R., Nicholson, R. A., Boulton, G. S., Cambridge, P., Wealthall, G. P.1988Stratigraphy and Palaeoenvironments of the Red Crag and Norwich Crag Formations Between Aldeburgh and Sizewell, Suffolk, England
P. Moissette1988Faunes de bryozoaires du Messinien d'Algerie occidentale
J. D. D. Bishop, Hayward P. J.1989SEM Atlas of type and figured material from Robert Lagaaij's 'The Pliocene Bryozoa of the Low Countries' (1952)
J. - G. Harmelin, Boronat, J., Moissette, P., Rosso, A.1989Distansescharella seguenzai Cipolla, 1921 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata), nouvelles données morphologiques et écologiques tirées de spécimens fossiles (Miocéne, Pliocéne) et actuels de Méditerranée
P. L. Gibbard, West, R. G., Zagwijn, W. H., Balson, P. S., Burger, A. W., Funnell, B. M., Jeffery, D. H., de Jong, J., van Kolfschoten, T., Lister, A. M., Meijer, T., Norton, P. E. P., Preece, R. C., Rose, J., Stuart, A. J., Whiteman, C. A., Zalasiewicz, J. A.1991Early and Early Middle Pleistocene Correlations in the Southern North Sea Basin
D. F. Soule, Soule, J. D., Chaney, H. W.1992The genus Thalamoporella worldwide (Bryozoa, Anasca): Morphology, evolution and speciation
M. Zabala, Maluquer, P., Harmelin, J. - G.1993Epibiotic bryozoans on deep-water scleractinian corals from the Catalonia Slope (western Mediterranean, Spain, France)
P. S. Balson, Mathers, S. J., Zalasiewicz1993The lithostratigraphy of the Coralline Crag (Pliocene) of Suffolk
J. D. D. Bishop1994The genera Cribrilina and Collarina (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) in the British Isles and the North Sea Basin, Pliocene to present day
P. D. Taylor1994Evolutionary palaeoecology of symbioses between bryozoans and hermit crabs
P. L. Cook, Chimonides P. J.1994Notes on the family Cupuladriidae (Bryozoa), and on Cupuladria remota sp. n. from the Marquesas Islands
D. F. Soule, Soule, J. D., Chaney, H. W.1995Taxonomic Atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and western Santa Barbara Channel. The Bryozoa.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith