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Pentapora lacryma Lombardi, Taylor and Cocito, 2010
Family: BitectiporidaeGenus: Pentapora
Colonies reaching at least 12 cm in diameter, forming three-dimensional, box-like growths of bifoliate fronds that are frequently broken into flakes during fossilization. The encrusting colony base is extensive, sometimes develops overgrowths to become multilayered, and may fail to develop erect growth. Each frond has a bifoliate structure, with a median lamina (visible in broken specimens and at growing edges) separating layers of zooids opening on opposite sides.
Autozooids are elongate, on average 0.53 mm long by 0.27 mm wide, and approximately rectangular in outline shape. The frontal shield is slightly convex and evenly penetrated by marginal areolar pores and pseudopores. The orifice is longer than wide, about 0.15 mm long by 0.13 mm wide, with a pair of lateral condyles and a proximal edge indented by the adventitious avicularium. Ovicells are prominent, globular, average 0.19 mm long by 0.24 wide, and have numerous small pores scattered across their entire surface.
Avicularia are adventitious, borne on the frontal shields of the autozooids, located suborally just beneath the orifice and directed proximally. Most are small, averaging 0.09 mm long by 0.07 mm wide, rounded, inclined and have a calcified crossbar. Enlarged avicularia occasionally replace the normal-sized avicularia. These giant avicularia average 0.24 mm long by 0.16 mm wide and are teardrop shaped or spatulate, with a deep palate and a crossbar bearing a knob-like columella.